Sunday, April 10, 2011

I heart my wii

Excuse me while I dork out a little.
Can I be honest? I am in love with my wii. Okay, so it's not the most intense workout in the world. Sometimes I'm all about being serious and pumping out a couch to 5k workout, or shredding myself up with a Jillian Michaels video, but then other times, I know I need to work out and I just want to have fun. That was definitely me yesterday. After my week long sicky break from exercising I was ready to get back into it, but anything to do with Jillian Michaels did not seem appealing (cue whiny voice: it's so hard!) and my honey was sleeping so the treadmill was out. (It's in another room, but it's old and LOUD.) And I just really wanted to play my wii.  Some of the kids in my mom's daycare showed me how to unlock new paths in the Basic Run on Wii Fit Plus. (Kids these days- so smart!) I liked Basic Run already, (all it is is running in place) but I was getting bored with it because it's only 3 minutes long, and it's the same every time... Or so I thought. 
With my new found knowledge I unlocked all of the short and long runs and one of the Island Runs (I think there's two). I haven't run the Island lap one yet, I'm saving the excitement for another day. :)

basic run finish line

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
Wow, I totally am a dork. But you guys like it, right?
What do you like to do for a lazy-ish workout day?

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