Saturday, January 22, 2011

week one overview

This week has been so up and down. My first few days on Weight Watchers were practically euphoric, but the past few days have been a little less than spectacular. Not horrible, but I was a little blue, and it was reflected in some not-so-stellar food choices. Still in my points, but pizza rolls? Not exactly a power food...
But let's talk good news!
  • My first weigh-in was Thursday night. I'm down 4.2 lbs!
  • Tracked my points every day
  • I stayed within my points every day while still feeling satisfied.
  • Incorporated a lot more fruits and vegetables in my menus than I used to. Go me!
  • Bumped up my activity level
  • Drank my six 8 oz glasses of water (tea, milk) every day but one.
I'm pretty excited about last week now that I'm coming out of my 'funk'. I didn't do perfectly, but I made some major changes from my normal lifestyle.  There were a few difficult points last week though:
  • I set myself up for disappointment with the weight loss. I really wanted to hit 5 lbs and kind of thought I was there, so when I saw the 4.2 my first reaction wasn't excitement or accomplishment, it was disappointment. I hate that because I know 4.2 is something to be proud of, which I am. This week I'm working on my expectations, and trying to focus more on my actions than the end result.
  • My activity level was not where it should be. I started out pretty good, but then it was downhill from there. Yesterday? I did nothing. (That's all changing though with my new workout video, I lovelove it. Love it.)
  • I'm still having trouble fitting all of my fruit/vegetable/healthy oils/dairy servings in all in one day. I also find it kind of hard to eat all 29 points some days. I think shift work may be to blame for that though. A big lunch isn't always appealing at 8am.
  • I was a little more moody than usual. (i.e. spent half of Wednesday crying, without being able to figure out why.) I don't know if that is normal, I'm-a-girl-and-I-can-cry-if-I-want-to, or if it has something to do with working out/eating better/hormone levels stabilizing? Who knows. I can only hope next week is better. (My honey hopes too.)
All in all, it was not a bad beginning to my Weight Watchers journey. I'm proud of what I accomplished, but ready to do even better next week. (read: get off my butt a little more.)
I'll leave you with my goals for the week:
  1. 30 minutes of activity every day
  2. better food planning to get all my veggies, water, etc and to hit my daily points.
  3. Focus on the positive! I'm making healthy choices, darnit! I deserve a gold star.
(oh, and try to blog better so I'm not fitting a weeks worth of blabbing in one post, eh?)


  1. i think that is such a great attitude to take.
    i think recognising both your good and bad points for the week, writing them down, seeing them, it is a really good idea.

    Something I think i can use, to help me, definitely.
    need to set me some goals.

    thank you for such an enlightening post.

  2. also way to go on the loss.
    :D jealous. wrapped up in my own thing there.

  3. thanks! I'm hoping this blog, and the process of writing out my thoughts and documenting what's happening will help me stay day to day, and not get ahead of myself.

  4. Thank you for your witty sharing! I look forward to reading your posts!

    I was given a "Stylish Blogger award"/ shout out and asked to pass it on to blogs that I delight in. So I included you in the blogroll.

    Thanks for your sharing! I linked your blog in this post "awarding" you for your fabulousness!

